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carrot planting etc.. small seeds
by: Anonymous

Carrot seeds, as well as beet seeds, are very small. Almost the same size really. I have had great results mixing both seeds with sand and spreading them on the top of the soil. Then I go back and put more sand or soil over top of them.

Make sure you allow enough garden space to separate them. When the plants are big enough to start a bulb, then replant them about 4 inches apart.

Same with onion seeds; they grow great in loose soil. If you have tight soil the bulbs will not enlarge. I use a mixture all of my own, well-composted horse manure, top soil, sand, peat moss, and a little (very little) clay. I hand sift this mixture all together equal parts of each,and fill my raised gardens with it.

I use this mixture for my whole garden which is now entirely a raised bed garden. Took me 10 years to convince my husband to make a raised bed and only one after he saw the first one!

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